Our Team
Our dedicated team comprises of competent people with extensive knowledge and experience. Our professionalism and expertise helps us to service our clients to their satisfaction. Some of the key members of our firm are:
Pradeep Sud
B. Com, FCMA, 
Pradeep Sud is a member of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India since 1991. He has vast experience in Cost Consultancy & Audit, consultancy of direct taxes, Indirect taxes and handling corporate affairs in different areas.
Phone : + 91 9350827853, 9810059348
E-mail : pradeep@pradeepsud.com
Rajiv Bansal
A leading Chartered Accountant having vast experience in corporate and non corporate sector and financing.
Phone : + 91 9811185535
Email : rbansal76@gmail.com
Rajesh Aggarwal
B.Com, FCS, LL.B
A leading lawyer having experience in corporate sector for more than 20 years.
Mohammad Mehdi Rizvi
B.Com, PGDM,
A leading Investment & Tax consultant having vast experience of more than 25 years in corporate and non corporate sector.
Phone : + 91 9899063786
E-mail : mehdiinvestment@yahoo.com

Yogendra Singh
Fellow Member of Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of India having vast experience in Cost Audit, Maintenance of Cost Records, Stock Audit, Cost Sheet and All the Cost related Work.
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